Category Archives: general

My June

I know, it’s not over yet. Though I’ve got quite a lot to tell you and I’m afraid I won’t if don’t do it right away.

#1 The most important one

I did it! I submitted my doctoral thesis! It took me almost 5 years to run those 11 EEG experiments, to write them up, and in the meantime to have a child. This thesis is thus a summary of my recent professional life. It’s a  milestone and the end of an era. I am excited and, at the same time, scared like hell to move on.


This thesis was possible only because two wonderful people decided to put their trust in me. Dear Carsten Eulitz and Aditi Lahiri, you are the BEST scientific supervisors and mentors one could wish for! I am grateful for your time and advice. It’s been an honor to work with you! And we still have three papers to publish together 🙂

Continue reading My June

A Beach House

My first visit to America was over three years ago. At the time, I was almost three months pregnant, so we decided that my husband should go with me. We went to California, where I was to attend two great conferences (I’ll write about each of them later), and spent three unforgettable weeks there. The first and the last week I was busy at the conferences presenting my posters, but the second week we spent travelling.
Continue reading A Beach House

This is the Beginning

Which day is the best day to start something new? Right! Right now! The procrastinator that I am, my “right now” has been put off for over more than a year: let’s wait till I’ve submitted the first paper/ written the Introduction to my doctoral thesis/ found a good photographer/ made some free time… There’s never going to be the best suitable time for anything. We are the ones to decide where and when we stop and start doing something else, new to us, no matter how scary. So, I decided it to be the first day of the New Year 2014, so to say, the welcoming of two Newborns.

Here you are, Ladies and Gentlemen! Meet “The Artsy Scientist Diaries”.

Happy New Year! Let all your dreams come true!
